
Definisi literature : 1. Creative writing of recognized artist value 2. The humanistic study of a body of literature 3 Published writing in a part keluar store on a particular subyek. 4. The proses song of artist of a writer 5. LEARNING : acquitance watch literature of books The history of literature is the historical development of writings in prose or poetry which attempts to provide entertainment, enlightenment, or instruction to the reader/hearer/observer, as well as the development of the literary techniques used in the communication of these pieces. Not all writings constitute literature. Some recorded materials, such as compilations of data (e.g., a check register) are not considered literature, and this article relates only to the evolution of the works defined above The beginning of literature .Literature and writing, though connected, are not synonymous. The very first writings from ancient Sumer by any reasonable definition do not constitute literature—the sam...